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When Weirdos Write

Do you want to read more stories? By another blog? Check out When Weirdos Write! They have AMAZING stories and they are enthusiastic about what they write and love connecting with their viewers. Here is one very special interview with one of the AMAZING members of When Weirdos Write, Mudga! MUDGA: Q1. What was the first story you ever wrote? 1: The first story i ever wrote was with my auntie, i was eight and she was nineteen, she loved writing and we wrote a story about a girl who lived with a herd of horses together :) Q2. When did you start writing? 2: I started writing when i read my aunts stories that she kept in a notebook, i read them and it made me want to write, i was around eight years old What made you want to start a blog? Q3. I had always wanted to share my writing, and when i learned that both my friends loved writing as well. We decided to create a blog together! Q4. : What is your favorite genre to write? Favorite genre to write is fantasy or adventure. Basically anything filled with action, mystery and adventures. Q5. What is your favorite character you have ever made? 5: Favorite character i have created is a girl named Fey, she was a rich Royal English girl who lived a very spoiled life, but one day her parents arranged a marriage for her so that she would have a better chance of getting the throne, so she runs away on a horse and into woodland, she is my favorite character because she is brave and fierce, and can look after herself. And she can ride a horse like a pro 🙂 So go check out When Weirdos Write!!!

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Jul 31, 2020

Awww Thanks guys! -Mudga from When Weirdos Write

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