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Writer's pictureadventuregang168

Two different people, one great friendship (a true story)

“Who would want to hang out with them” I whispered to Miles

“I don’t know. They are a little weird, don’t you think, Liz?” replied Miles

“Yeah, they even wear dresses!” I replied while looking at my shorts and T-shirt. “I know, right?” said Miles

“Tag, your it” said Oliver as he tagged me. Oliver was Miles younger brother. Miles and I were 8 while Oliver and my younger sister, Ashley were 7. Oh, and I also have an even younger sister named Annabelle who was 5.

It was going to be a fierce game.

“Have you seen that new girl?” Indigo said to Clare. Indigo was the oldest of the three as she was 9 and the others were eight.

“Yeah, I know, my dad said they live on the farm across from Miles and Oliver’s place.”

“Yeah, that is true, we drove past, and we saw them running around. Like, they wore shirts, T-shirts and NO SHOES!” Exclaimed Emily

“OOOHHH, yuck!” Said Indigo “See you later I have got to go. Bye!”

“Let’s avoid that tom-boy.” Clare said to Emily

“Sure” Emily replied as they both walked off.


“ We are going to go to Indigo’s family’s place to baby-sit her and her siblings for a while, tomorrow.”

“Aww, really mum, can’t I stay at Miles and Oliver’s place then?” I replied

“No, they are away, remember? You have to come, your sisters too.”

“Fine” I said, I knew better then to sass mum since I was now 11 years old, I have learnt my lesson. A few times.

“We are here now, girls. Elizabeth, try and be happy.” Said mum

“Sure, whatever.” I said to Mum. I was NOT happy, Indigo and I have barely spoken except for a hi when we walked past one another. She is SUPER opposite to me. Everything I like, she dislikes. From what I have gathered anyway.

When I stepped inside her house, she asked me to come up-stairs to her room. I was about to refuse when I caught mum’s eyes. She was telling me to go and try to have fun but, in that stern, motherly sort of way.

“Sure, I will go.” I replied. I saw Indigo look a little sad so I also said “Um, what would you like to do?” while we were walking up the stairs.

“I was thinking we could talk or play with Barbie, even though I am 12 we have nothing to do, though.” Said Indigo

“Okay, sure.” I said. I did not feel like talking or playing with Barbie. I wanted to swim in the creek, throw mud around and tackle down Miles and Oliver.

After a little while we found out we were TOTALLY opposites, but we got along well, and I even spent the night at her house by accident. I fell asleep and Mum and Dad could not wake me up, so they picked me up in the morning.

After that we started high-school together, youth-group together and had a great relationship as best friends. I am still close friends with Miles while I tease Ashely about Oliver but Indigo and I… We are the best of friends. Forever.

By Elizabeth

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