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  • Writer's pictureadventuregang168

Thursday the 20th of August

I woke up at 7:30 am on Thursday the 20th of August. My alarm had gone off. I felt like sleeping more. Then I quickly opened my eyes and realized that it was basket-ball today! I quickly got dressed and I put my hair up in a messy pony tail. I ran downstairs and made myself a banana smoothie. I made an IG post and then raced back upstairs. I made my bed and tidied up my room. By this time it was 8 o'clock. Basket-ball started at 9. My little sister Ava and I decided to walk down at 8:40. ( It was only like a 3 minute walk! :) We waited for 10 minutes. No one showed up. " When will Elizabeth be here"! I said to my little sister. Elizabeth is my best friend. " I dunno". Ava said as she did a twirl. I decided to put on some of my downloaded songs from spotfiy on. We danced like crazy! Ten minutes later and it was 9 o'clock. People started showing up! Elizabeth saw me and gave me a hug. " Hey Ellie". I said to her. " Hey"! She said back. We walked into the basket-ball court together. Our coach greeted us. ( We always walk in together :) We started dribbling the basket-balls. Elizabeth started talking about the Blog we have. " So I had this idea we could do either a diary entry or a Poem challenge"! She said excitedly. " What do you think"? She asked. ( I'm terrible at making decisions, I'm getting better though). I find it very hard to say no to people. But being the president of Adventure Gang means I have to say no to people. I love being president! It's really fun! I liked this idea , I was glad that she came up with it! She is good like that, she always has great ideas. Most of the time we make decisions as a group. I really like that. It is nice to know that people are happy with their role and I know everyone really likes our Blog! Anyway, we began shooting hoops and not long after our coach blew his whistle. We all ran to the three point line. It was a really fun game. I'm on the red team and Elizabeth's on the green team, as well as my sister is also on the green team. The red team one! After Basket-ball I helped the coaches wife pack up and then my Dad waved to me. ( Usually Ava and I walk home, but Dad had decided to come pick us up!) I then I went back into the basket-ball court and told my sister we were going. I hugged Elizabeth and said Goodbye. My Dad was now talking to Elizabeth's Dad. My little brother's were in the back. When we were driving we went and had lunch somewhere in town. We had cream buns! They were so YUM!!! We also had two large chocolate milkshakes that we split in to 4 milkshakes. ( The worker there had made them extra big for us!). They were so YUM!! After that we walked to the park down the road from the cafe that we had just been to. I climbed trees while my siblings and my Dad played rugby. While I was walking around trying to find more trees to climb I saw my siblings playing ruby and I joined them. After that we went home and I did my Humanities exam. YIKES! I called Elizabeth and talked to her on the phone after school and for dinner I had rice and a lot of different types of vegetables. That night I watched an Marvel movie! ( There really good!) Written By Indigo

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