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The silly poem about Best Friends

I tossed and turned in bed at night Then you saw me insight In our cabin we were there Afraid that there would be a bear All of a sudden you started to cry I hugged you and we were there by each others side As we lay in our beds We started to wonder And heard a roaring thunder Was it a bear? Was it a mouse? Whatever it was it was about What to do, what to do? We didn't know what Until I spotted a dot On the ceiling There was a toad! We jumped out of bed We grabbed our coats Then ran away to get more toast We didn't know if there was a bear But at least we weren't in despair That night was a weird one In the morning we were in the sun Riding away With lot's of fun

We were friends The best kind And though we were weird That was cool In our eyes We were a team Together forever And that's a scene Written by indigo- With help from Elizabeth

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Jul 28, 2020

This is very good 😂

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