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The Scariest day of my life

Updated: Aug 24, 2020

Disclaimer this is not my story, this did not happen to me. It is not based on a true story. These are made up events. It was November the 10th 2000. I was outside with my family, at a picnic at the park. My little baby sister was having her lunch. ( Baby food) and my older brother was climbing trees. I was dancing around, smelling the flowers. The world was peaceful. I looked around at my family. They were all so happy. I looked at the sky, it was blue. Then it was red, i shook my head and blinked to make sure I wasn't dreaming. I turned around and looked back at my family. They were looking at me like, whats wrong? I looked back at the sky. It was moving, like some kind of puzzle. It was swirling. The wind started to pick up. My baby sister started to cry. My Dad grabbed me by the arm. I started to panic. My mum yelled at my brother who was still climbing trees. " GET DOWN FROM THERE"! She yelled. My brother jumped out of tree. The red sky was getting bigger and bigger. There was a massive hole in the sky. People were running, babies were crying, trees were swinging side to side. My family made a circle and huddled. We all ran as fast as we could. No one new where to go or what to do. All of a sudden a spaceship came out from the clouds in the sky. It landed with a huge thud. I looked around, where was my family? They had left me! I was just a little girl not knowing where to go or who to go to. My mother always told me about stranger danger. However, right now the world seemed like a stranger. The place that five minutes ago I was thinking how peaceful and loving my family and this place that God had placed us on was. However, now look at it! Who knows what's in that space ship I thought to myself. I was so scared. Someone stepped out of the spaceship. It was a man, he smelled the dirt on the ground. As if he didn't know what it smelt like. He walked through the people. He came right up to me. I was breathing hard, but quietly. " What's your name child?" The tall slender man asked me. " M-meg". I replied, shaking harder then I had ever had shaken in my life. He just walked past me. It was clear as day that he was going to rule the universe forever! This was surely the scariest day of my life. Written By Indigo

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