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The Phodarts

You don't know what a Phodart is? Really? Is that true? Oh dear, don't worry by the end of this poem you will know. These creatures these boy's they are crude! Don't fall for their trick like we do Now you will read my poem, the poem I made About my feelings

My curse All that the Phodart did to me He gave me a curse A curse so very deep So now here is my poem for your to read... Sad I was Sad and alone The tone of my voice The tone of my song I knew I wasn't where I belong If only you we here If only you could see I need you I love you Don't you love me? When I fall asleep I think of you When I dream your the blues I'm the girl Your the boy Your the boy, who left me The man who wasn't there When I needed you the most Sad and alone just like a ghost Your the guy who broke my heart And now I'm in despair I whisper With a blister You are still gone Forever I will love you How is that wrong? That's my curse You will be in my heart If only we could reverse And have a new fresh start You were the clever boy I was the leather you pushed The girl you pushed away And now here I am Your holding someone else in your arms Happy, married, you are now Why, why can't that be the same for me I'll tell you why, because you are my happy, My sappy, My angry, My very fine chappy The guy who I thought was one day going to be apart of my family Our family I thought indeed However you were off on your noble steed With the girl, the girl who bet me She is the one For you and that's that But I wait I wait in anticipation

Will you return Or will you not I feel like a robot Or a fish under the water Except I can't breath Without you here next to me I'm drowning I can't swim I feel like a bin A rubbish dump Yes that's it The rubbish dump who boy's spit at However none like you Your the guy who left me broken While others left me bruised One day, this will be ancient just a memory I will love someone I hope Or not, Your right I could never love someone Who isn't you Who isn't true Who isn't my dude Or so I thought Until she swept in She's my grudge I nudge Underneath my skin

There is heart break I feel it I feel you It's a curse Why is it Why am I so in love With the man Who was once a boy My high school sweet heart You left a scar So deep And very soar Like a bee sting Only it doesn't sting The scar breaks I feel like I'm in chains Why did you do this to me I fell for your trick You are risky You are brisky You are very hard to please However, you have enough for everyone You are a player A very bad one Everyone stay away from him But inside you feel your pain You know what your doing is wrong So why do you carry on It's because it makes your day Breaking girls hearts But never again will I trust a Phodart Written by Indigo

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