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The Koala Team- Doctor Koala

There was once a superhero team and one of the Koala's names were Dr. Koala and there was a person on the team names James. They all had super powers. Dr. Koala's was the power to heal people and invincibility. James power was controlling lava and he can go in lava. Dr. Koala and James went for a walk. Then Dr. Koala's phone rang. It was Mr. Dr. Mr Doctor said, " There is someone who needs help and they have a sore throat. Dr. Koala said, " Okay I'll be right there". So she went in her ambulance and went off. James was at the back of the ambulance. Just in case she needed any help. Then the alarm went off in the super hero base. It was so loud. Dr. Koala and James could hear it. So James said, " I'll deal with it". It was Larva Seuss the bad guy. He made someones swimming pool turn into a larva pool. James hopped in the pool. He said, he wishes he could keep the larva, but it would hurt others. Now Larva Seuss was shooting James with his Larva from his hands. So James controlled the larva and whacked the larva back to him and hit him. Then Larva Seuss fell off the house. Which was on top of a cliff! But then James quickly saved him before he hit the ground. Then Larva Seuss went back to his base. He was still shaking. James went back to see the guy with a sore throat and Dr. Koala healed him very well. THE END Written By James

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