Once there were three funny aliens, the first alien was named Samantha, the second was called Ella and the third was named Sussy. They were all sisters. The only problem with the three funny aliens was that they always tripped over each other. They lived in an abandoned ship, it wasn't the most beautiful place to live when they first arrived two years ago, but they have done it up since then and now the place feels quite homey for the aliens. One day Samantha decided to go for a swim at the beach not far away. But when she went for a swim in the beach that morning she noticed something shiny in the water. Could it be cold? She thought to herself. As she reached her hand in the water she pulled the shiny object as hard as she could, but the object was stuck in the end underneath the glistening water. " Blah blah". She said, " Ella Sussy come help!" Both the girls came running. All three of them grabbed hold of the object and pull. They pulled and pulled and pulled and pulled! Until the object came flying out of the water and landed on top of the sand on the beach. The three alien sisters ran up to the shiny, golden object. It was a tiara, but where had it come from? " Blah blu Blah blah"! Ella said, " what to do we do with it? " Then a little girl came up to the alien and said, " that's my tiara, you found my tiara!" The aliens gave the tiara back to the little girl and the aliens, " thank you". The little girl said as she skipped away playing with her tiara. It warmed the aliens hearts, to know that they had helped someone out and made a new friend!
Written By Indigo