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  • Writer's pictureadventuregang168

Our funny friendship

You spam me I say how RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDE DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDDDDDDDDDE Lol jk How's ya day You say I wanna write a blog Someone else in the group say YAY Lol And so this is another one of my silly poems What rhymes with poems Dunoen? Anyway, g'day You spam me with screenshots LOL It's okay As long as your my friend And never leave me I'm alright With you spamming day and night Because that's the kind of friends we are Funny But kind of. well... we go so far With what we say And what we do Like oh listen up ANDY'S COMING We fall back while on a call Yikes that's totally nothing at all Someones applause I say its funny Your meant to laugh They say huh what are you goin on about I say i dunno dude Just go along with it Because before long its time to get offline The next morning I wake up with a billion messages from you A smile instantly comes on my face You say I'm coming to your place today I say finally Its about time We scream through video messages And we make a poem and rhyme We write on our blog about our day Together what fun we have I wish we could both stay for longer I only met you this year But you already feel like family Written By Indigo

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