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Skylor's Accomplishment- Ninjago Fan Fiction

Here is the 4th and last book in the Series Skylor's Adventure's with the ninja! It was another day in Ninjago! This time Cole, Skylor, Zane and Lloyd were playing ping pong. It was Lloyd and Skyloe VS Cole and Zane. Nya, Jay and Kai were watching them. " You guy's are on FIRYA!". Kai said to Lloyd and Skylor. Lloyd shook his head and smiled. Skylor flicked her hair. " Yunno I wanna make a bet". Cole said. " And what's that". Skylor asked confidently. " If we win we get cake"! They all groaned. " Maybe, you should be obsessed with a different type of food like..." " Salad". Lloyd finished Skylor's sentence. Then Master Wu's voice came through the radio. " Dinner is ready". He said. " Oh Master Wu". Zane said. " Isn't the radio only meant to be used for, emergency's only". Master Wu blushed through the other side of the radio. " Do you guy's want dinner or not"! He said firmly. They drove the bounty to the monistory and ran into the kitchen. They were having pizza! " Yunno". Said Kai. " One day Sky will know spinjitsu". This is when Master Wu had a brilliant idea. He grabbed his stick and whacked Skylor's pizza out of her hand. " Blame that on Kai". Master Wu said. " Hey"! Kai said annoyed." Training starts now"! " For what exactly"? Skylor asked Master Wu. Secretly she wanted to finished eating her pizza, but she would never tell him that. Especially not in front of the other ninja! " You are going to master spinjitsu"! Master Wu said happily. " But what about dinner". Kai said trying to save his girlfriend from starvation. As well as the fact that it's pizza. " If you want to Master Spinjistu Skylor, the quicker you begin training the quicker you will Master Spinjitsu". Master Wu said. " Chop chop". He clapped in Skylor's face. " Oh and you will be training with Cole". Master Wu said cheerfully. Kai secretly had been hoping Master Wu was going to say him. Skylor gave Kai a warm smile. Skylor and Cole began training outside and the other ninja were sent to bed by Master Wu. They were up until 4 o'clock in the morning training. But there was something missing, Skylor was just spinning. When Master Wu told them to go to bed at 5 the next morning. He was thinking. ' Hmmm"... " Why couldn't Skylor do Spinjistu"? He thought to himself. Then he realized it was because, she needed to touch someone else! That was it! When Master Wu ran into Skylor and Cole's rooms and woke them up after only having two hours sleep. They groaned. However, Master Wu dragged them outside and told Skylor to try spinjitsu. " Master Wu, you were the one who told us to got bed"! Cole said tiredly." Confusing man you are". Lloyd said spying on them. Master Wu shot an angry look at Lloyd. " Right, sorry Uncle". He said and went into the kitchen to eat cake. " Don't tell Cole". He said to his best friend Kai. They are very mischievous together. Master Wu told Skylor to touch Cole. Skylor did so. Then she counted to three. " Please work"! She said to herself. " One, two, three". She spun around, but instead of doing spinjitsu she just got dizzy and fell to the floor. She tried for weeks and weeks. Then one day she finally gave up. " I can't do it"! She told Master Wu and Cole. " Ninja never quit Cole said". " Well then maybe I'm not cut out to be a ninja"! Skylor said sadly and then ran to her room that she was sharing with Nya. They decided to take a couple day's break from training and then Skylor tried again. She tried with all her strength and spinning skills. Then she tried something. " Kai". She said as she entered the kitchen. " We're doing nothing"! He said to Skylor. Shocked and surprised that she was there. " Yup" Said Lloyd putting his arm on Kai's shoulder. " Okay...". Skylor said. " Well I need to touch both of your hands". Now it was their turn to say" Okay"... Skylor touched every ninja arms and then they all gathered outside. Skylor hoped this would work so badly, because everyone was watching now! " Okay" she said to herself. " Let's do this". She spun around faster then ever and she was doing spinjitsu. It was all the ninja colors and powers mixed together and her own very special power mixed in it as well. It was a beautiful color! There was lightning, energy, water, fire, earth, ice and the power to absorb which was purpley pink and it was Skylor's power. " This was destine to happen" Master Wu said. " You are the seventh member of the ninja force"! Master Wu said. Skylor smiled they had a group hug and started training as a team. Skyor new that this spinjistu and her power signified that she belonged not as an individual, but to a team and this was her team. The ninja force! Written By Indigo Book 4

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