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  • Writer's pictureadventuregang168


School is sometimes like living in a pool Sometimes you swim Sometimes you don't As long as you paddle You'll be safe Do your quizzes Don't hesitate Study hard and you'll learn All it takes is time and effort Don't be afraid Face it with no fear Because in the end You and your peers Will be finished and before you know it you will be on holidays So put down your pencil Put down your head Don't force yourself to be clever You won't be dead Just listen to the teacher Try and do your best If you do this it will equal success I know it's hard It isn't to cool Especially doing math But once you get it You'll be on your way Succeeding, triumphing saving your day! Doing your work Not stressing out This will leave you with no doubt Your a champion and on your way

To all that is great By this I mean the school holidays Written By Indigo

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