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  • Writer's pictureadventuregang168

Saturday the 29th of May

I woke up at 8 o'clock. I had stayed the night at my Grandparents house! I got ready for the day and then had toast for breakfast. After that I did some knitting, I really like knitting lately! I went out for lunch with my Grandparents, I had a ham and cheese toastie and a hot chocolate. ( It was very YUM!). That afternoon we went to the movies and had an ice-cream! It was vanilla flavoured covered with chocolate! Once the movie was over we went back to my Grandparent's house and had sausages and left over macaroni cheese! ( My favourite food is macaroni cheese!) Then we watched a movie and a TV show afterwards. After that I got ready for bed. It was a great day! Written By Indigo

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