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  • Writer's pictureadventuregang168

My House

My house is filled with rooms So many rooms Like a cocoon My house also has stairs And brown chairs I live in a two story house Don't worry there isn't a mouse My house has lights However, no kites I have my own room Where I like to write Some of my stories might give you a fright My house is very fine So very fine You can dine And look at your spine Who would do that you ask You never know Until it's time to go To school Hooray We stay at home Doing distance Ed And at night time I sleep in my bed When rain comes down I don't frown It's pretty when you look around My house has lots of people As well as a washing machine It runs When it's done The washing will be hung We have a big blue couch It is very long In the lounge We sometimes watch TV As a family Flowers sit On the top shelf They don't move about They are still They are very chill Written By Indigo

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03 de ago. de 2020

Great job Indigo!


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