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Girls Weekend Catastrophe! Alexa and Katie- Fan fiction

"UGH i can't believe my algebra teacher. I mean who gives homework to students on a Saturday"! Alexa said to her best friend Katie. They were at Wired. ( That's where Katie works). "Your Algebra teacher". Katie said with a grin. " I see what you did there". Alexa said. " I need a break from school. And my normal, boring life". Katie looked around, making sure no one other then Alexa had heard what she just said. " Katie no wonder your life is so boring, all you do is School and Drama... and work! You should really be thinking about Basketball"! Alexa didn't know how Katie could like drama. She was all about plays, however Alexa was all about Basketball! Katie was now trying to come up with something fun to do. " We need to do something exciting! " Oh I know"! Alexa squealed. Let's go on a girls weekend! I'll bring my algebra homework and we can have so much fun"! " "HOMEWORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ON A TRIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I THINK NOT"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was clear that Katie didn't like that idea. "Well what am I suppose to do about it". Alexa responded. " Do it now while you can". Okay, I'm going to do go home and kick this homework out of the way and then we are gonna go girls on a girls weekend"! Alexa was excited. " I will leave you too it then".Said Katie. Alexa went home and finished her homework. She so wanted to go on this girls weekend and she didn't care if she forgot her toothbrush nothing was going to ruin this trip! Back at Katie's house Alexa and Katie were now in Katie's room. " What should we do"????????? Katie was pacing in her room. Alexa was sitting on her bed. Katie had dealt with anxiety for quit sometime now. " Katie calm down". Alexa said to her best friend. " I am not I"??? Katie asked. " Katie just breath, this is meant to be fun"!!! " Where should we auntie is going on a cruise so we can't go to her place.......we could go on a cruise"!!!!! Alexa pulled a funny face. " We have school on Monday". " How about we go to yo mama". " The one like 2 hours ago and we can stay in a fancy hotel". Katie was still thinking about the cruise idea. " So"??? " We can tell one of our friends to say to the principle we are sick..... Sure". Katie quickly realized that Alexa's idea was way more realistic. "Yunno I'm right Katie". Alexa grinned at her friend. " Okay let's pack". Alexa went to Katie's window. " You want my blue sweater, right"? Katie asked Alexa. " Oh yes I'll be keeping that". Alexa then climbed across the tree and nearly fell to the ground she quickly grabbed a branch. " I'm okay". Alexa said. " ALEXA"! " You need to be more careful". " I dunno what ya talkin about". Alexa said and gave Katie a hair flick. She smiled and then entered her room through her window. Which was on the other side of the tree. " Well I am keeping your red sweater then". Katie started packing, so did Alexa. Then Katie realized something. She opened her window and knocked loudly. Alexa saw Katie looking like a psycho and opened her window. " What"? She asked. " We have to tell our Mums...........OH NO"! Katie said shocked. " When did you become Miss sensible". Alexa said jokingly and laughed. " Well.............. We could leave them a note when we leave". Katie said. I just texted my mum". Alexa said. " She said we could go". They both squealed! Then went back to packing for a girls weekend. Alexa could now drive and she drove the two of them down to where they would be staying. When they got to the hotel they checked in. Then they went to their rooms. They were so excited. The next day Alexa was calling her parents and Katie decided to have breakfast without her, because she was starving! " Hey"! Someone said to her as she was ordering breakfast. It was a girl about her age and she had orange hair and wore a pink dress. " Hey". Katie said back. They ended up eating breakfast together. " Is this how you make friends"? Asked Katie. The girl and Katie both laughed. Her name was Natasha. " I think I've seen you somewhere". Said Natasha. " Well I used to come here a lot with my family and my best friend Alexa, but we haven't been here in a while". " We come here for the frozen yogurt". Katie said finally. Both girls laughed. " Hey do you want to go rock climbing with me this afternoon". Natasha asked Katie." I can't sorry". Katie said. " My best friend and I came down here to spend the weekend together". " Aren't you guy's neighbors"?The girl said confused. Katie had mentioned earlier that the two of them had been neighbors ever since Katie had moved in next door several years ago. " Come on, it'll be fun". Natasha said not waiting for a reply. " Sorry". Katie said. Natasha looked disappointed. Then all of a sudden Natasha had an idea. " Why don't you bring Alexa along with you"!She said. Natasha eventually convinced Katie to go with her. So that afternoon the three girls went rock climbing. As they were climbing they were having so much fun! Alexa was already at the top of the wall, Natasha was nearly at the top and Katie was still not off the ground! " Come on Katie"! Alexa shouted from where she was hanging at the very top of the wall. Katie had only climbed 6 feet up the massive wall when she suddenly slipped! " Katie"! Alexa yelled. Katie was not okay. She had broken her arm. " I'm so sorry". Natasha said to the both of them. " It's not your fault". Katie said. Alex was trying to be nice to Natasha, but deep down she couldn't believe some random girl that they had just met that morning had already ruined their girls weekend. " Let's go home". Alexa smiled at her best friend who had a huge purple cast covering her arm. They went home and binged watced a series on Netflix. " Yunno what". Katie began. " This beats any girls weekend". " I'm just glad that we are best friends". Then all of a sudden Jack came in the room and stood right in front of the TV. " Dude". Said Alexa. " Move your big head"! Alexa yelled at Jack. Katie poked her tong out at her little brother. " Yup this is what it's like living in our neighborhood". Alexa said. The two of them laughed and they both started chasing Jack around the coffee table.

THE END Written By Indigo ( Beginning half was written by Indigo with help from Elizabeth) XD

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