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First Day Drama

School started tomorrow; I was going into year 10. “Ashley!” my mum yelled sharply, “what is it mum?” I replied. “You have done nothing to prepare for school, you haven’t packed your bag, you haven’t checked that you have everything, you,” mum was saying until I cut her off, “Mum its fine, I have everything I need and ill just pack everything up tomorrow,” I said. “No, you will pack now, or you won’t get to go see Ethan tonight.” Mum said. “Ugh ok fine!” I said as I knew it wasn’t worth the argument and I wanted to go out.

I packed my bag and as I thought everything was there. I sat on my bed and got my phone to look at YouTube when my mum came back upstairs to my room. “Why are you on your phone I told you to pack your bag for school?” she asked in a snappy tone. “It’s ok mum I’ve finished it and I’m good to go for tomorrow, I’ve even cleaned my room,” I said calmly, “ok well good girl I’m gonna go see what Liv is up to,” she said to me.

Liv was my twin sister who was also my only sister, but I had 4 brothers, all of our names are: Matt who is 25, Scott who is 22, Tom who is 18, Me and Olivia who are both 16, and Harry who is only 12.

It was around 8:30 in the evening when I went to go to Ethan’s place. Ethan is my boyfriend, he is 18 and loves surfing, we both live in Cronulla which is in Sydney, Australia so we go surfing at Bondi almost every day, we actually met at Bondi beach two years ago when I got pulled out into a rip and he got me out and we have been dating ever since.

Once I got to his house, we called some friends to come meet us at Bondi and we all had a late-night swim. The water was so cold I ran out the second I got in, so then everyone picked me up and threw me in the water, I screamed but didn’t bother trying to get out of the beach. It was almost 10pm when I got back home, I ran had a shower and went to bed.

At 5am I got out of bed and went to the gym and got ready for my day as usual and then I remembered I had to go to school, and well you could say I wasn’t to happy about it.

“Ash come on were gonna be late, just get in the car already!” Harry shouted at me. For some weird reason he loved school, “Ok I’m coming, jeez!” I replied, I was on my L plates so I would drive while my older brother Matt would sit shotgun to “help” me. I don’t understand how almost screaming every time I go around a corner is helping but alright.

We finally got to school, and I saw my best friend Amber waiting for me at the bus stop, I gave they keys to my brother than ran to go see her. We talked for ages and when the bell rang, we walked to homeroom and well, kept talking. “GIRLS! Why are you talking in class?!” Our teacher yelled. “Sorry sir we were just…” “NO! I don’t want to hear your excuse, detention both of you!” He said cutting us short. “But sir that totally unfair,” I started to say. “I don’t want to hear it, detention now!” He yelled.

We walked to detention and got out our phones to complain to random people about being in detention. “No phones in detention girls,” the teacher said. “Oh, ok sorry,” I said not wanting to be in anymore trouble.

We got out of detention and went and ate lunch and who would show up but Joanna and her little gang. “Ha heard you got in trouble on the first day,” Joanna said. “I really don’t care what you heard, but um, would you mind leaving so we can eat in piece?” I said sarcastically. “Ugh you guys are so dumb and ugly and stupid,” she said. “Yeah ok anything else you wanna say or are you going to leave?” I asked really not wanting to engage with her. “hmm good question, I would like to say that you’re an idiot,” she said while laughing. “Yeah you don’t really know how to come at us do you,” I said not bothered by what she said. “Ugh whatever, lets go girls,” She said and walked away.

“Wow, she’s really something else isn’t she!” I said. “Yup, she is very weird, like what did we ever do to her!” Amber said. “That I wouldn’t know,” I replied.

It finally reached the end of the day and I went home, I just sat and relaxed with my dog and processed the day, I realised how lucky I am for everything I have, yes the day wasn’t perfect but I have everything I need and that’s all I can ask for.

Written by Ash

*Disclaimer, this is not a true story but I hope you enjoyed it 😊

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