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  • Writer's pictureadventuregang168

Dairy entry no. 1

I feel like I am talking to an old friend but I an really just writing on an old piece of paper.

Well, anyway today was really weird...

I was walking down my street to work when I heard an odd noise. It was old hawk eyes, well that is what my siblings and I call her. She knows everything about everyone on our street. She even knew Jane's liked me before I knew, anyway that is a different story.

So, when I looked at old Hawk Eyes she was making a weird noise. With her mouth! It sounded like a hawk!

No wonder I thought right before a huge swarm if bees came right at me and started stinging me. Everywhere.

Old Hawk Eyes came running with a hose and sprayed me and the bees with water which either drowned or scared the bees. Probably both.

" Are you okay? " Asked Old Hawk Eyes

" Yes, thank you, haw-Mrs. Sandra" I nearly called her Hawk Eyes! " I will have to head home now. "

"I will call your boss for you, Elizabeth and explain why you can't come."

" Thank you, I will go home now. Bye! " I said while I ran back home. Everywhere was hurting and all I did was have a long shower and watch stuff on Netflix.

See us later diary,


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